About LHE

Living Hope Evangelism is a Bible-based, evangelistic, Spirit-empowered church founded in June 2019 by Senior Pastor Richard Tay. 

Living Hope Evangelism seeks to bring salvation by witnessing the love of Jesus; restoration and healing through biblical counseling and prayer of faith. We’ve many testimonies of healing breakthroughs. Giving hope to the hopeless. 

Our Core Values

Godly Character We Seek
Spirit-led life, living in right relationship with God and men

Passionate Outreach To Reach
Reaching out to the world, being salt and light.

Faithful Stewardship To Hold
Giving generously of our time, talent and money for the extension of God’s kingdom.

Spirit-Led Ministry We Serve
Using our skills, knowledge and experience to serve the church in unity and harmony.

Loyal Partnership To Co-Work
Nurturing one another to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ..